Zing Insights is proud to be supporting local charity Break and Wild in Art, by providing research for the GoGoGorillas outdoor art trail, happening across Norwich this summer.
53 life-sized gorillas have been placed at locations throughout the city, all inventively decorated by professional artists, schools and community groups. For the next 11 weeks, visitors can follow a specially designed, interactive trail to explore all the installations. It is hoped the project will increase tourism to the city, promote a sense of community, inspire creativity, as well as highlight the plight of one of the world’s most endangered species.
This week saw the official launch of the project, surrounded by a buzz of activity on social media as the gorillas were introduced to their new summer locations. An official launch walk, attended by the Lord Mayor, was held on Monday. Matt and Brad went along to support the launch, and became acquainted with Zing’s very own gorilla, Gareth!
We will be setting up our interactive iPad research pods at key locations on the gorilla trail, to capture feedback and provide insight for the organisers. The research will hopefully allow projects such as these, which raise significant sums of money for good causes, to continue to operate up and down the country.
GoGoGorillas runs from 24th June to the 7th September. For more information, visit www.gogogorillas.co.uk or join the conversation on Twitter,@gogogorillas, #norwichgorillas, @zinginsights
Posted by Matt Nevard