Anyone can gather insights, right?

True enough, there are loads of ‘do it yourself’ tools available out there and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to create and send a customer survey, but as one of my clients recently put it, “commissioning you is like getting PhD insights while our in-house insights are Primary school level.”

He recognises that while anyone can gather insights, it takes someone with experience, expertise and knowledge to cut through the noise and find those golden nuggets that can drive decision-making, growth and profitability.

Let’s face it, would we trust just anyone to create a meaningful advertising campaign, product branding or pricing strategy?  Or would we accept our limitations and go to the professionals?

Recognising our different skillsets is important and gauging when to stretch budgets beyond in-house can be difficult, we’d be the first to agree that something is usually better than nothing, but seeking expert help really can take your insights and business to another level. 

The fact that we see many different data sets means we can contextualise insight and our knowledge is enhanced by every project we work on. 

It might not be possible to commission professionals every time, but why not try it for your next project and experience the difference.

Posted by Lisa Holt

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We have extensive experience working across a wide range of industry sectors for many leading brands.