Ideal Home Show commission with Zing!

ideal homeIt’s a pivotal year in the Ideal Home Shows more than 100 year history, with 2015 seeing the show return to Olympia for the first time since 1978. A change of venue brings a whole new set of challenges for an event of any size, not least one the scale of the Ideal Home Show. As a result, the show management team were keen to quickly assess visitor experiences and to do so, chose to partner with Zing for their 2015 spring event insights.

Zing Director, Lisa Holt said “We are thrilled to be working with award winning event organiser Media 10 on such a prestigious event and in such a landmark year. Our approach incorporates our unique iPad research pods, which mean we’re able to provide daily visitor experience feedback during the show and we’ll supplement this further with post-show online research.”

Holt continued “We’ve worked with some amazing event brands since our launch in 2011 and are keen to continue to build our events portfolio. We’ve also recently re-launched our website  to help us to demonstrate our expertise and the benefits of working with qualified research professionals.

Our very happy client base has been kind enough to spread the word about working with Zing through referral and recommendation. We know they’re happy because we conduct our own customer research which helps us to make sure that we’re delivering the best product and service possible.”

Ideal Home Show Marketing Manager, Jo Bowry said “We chose to work with Zing because of their multi-layered approach to research, which suits our need for both on site and post show surveys at the show this year. With the show in a new venue, our customer insights will be more valuable than ever before to ensure we are delivering the high level of visitor experience that the show is renowned for and we are pleased that Zing are on board to help us deliver this.’

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We have extensive experience working across a wide range of industry sectors for many leading brands.