2022 has passed like a whirlwind – we’ve been busier than a busy person in busy world, not that we’re complaining – the opposite, in fact, we’ve had an amazing year working with some fantastic clients across a whole range of exciting projects.
2023 is already shaping up to be super-busy too, so we’ll apologise in advance if we’re not on top of our blog game whilst setting ourselves a New Years’ resolution to do better!
We’ve taken the decision to send a donation to a homeless charity again this year instead of sending Christmas cards and gifts. We feel that this year more than ever, we need to look after those facing the toughest times.
Our head of Puplic Relations, Sprocket (see picture) has even foregone his own bone to send a treat to some street dogs. It’s OK though, we know Santa Paws will be really kind to him this year because he’s been such a good boy.
Sending everyone the best of wishes for a fabulous festive period and a wonderful 2023!