Today is a day of celebration for us all at Zing – we’ve made it to our 10th anniversary.
Hey, we all know this is an amazing achievement for any business – let’s face it, three-quarters of businesses fail within the first decade. But for a business that’s experienced some of the ups and downs we have, it’s bloody marvellous.
In the 10 years of Zing we’ve seen:
- Earthquakes, volcanos and wars.
- A worldwide pandemic.
- The first black president and the first orange one!
- A financial crisis and global stock market crash.
- The legalisation of same sex marriage in the US.
- Banksy’s self-destructing painting.
- The rise of the share economy and launch of Airbnb and Uber.
- Brexit.
- A royal wedding.
- The last Harry Potter movie release, the premier of Game of Thrones, The Big Bang Theory and Mad Men.
- The arrival and departure (phew!) of Keeping up with the Kardashians.
We’ve been lucky enough to work with some truly amazing clients on fantastic brands. And despite (or even because of) our base in rural Norfolk, we’ve travelled widely and worked across Europe, Asia, The USA and Australasia.
We’ve also learned a huge amount along the way, laughed lots, cried a few times (especially in the last year!), worked with some incredible colleagues, watched babies arrive and lost some special people.
It’s been a blast and we can’t wait to see what the next 10 years will throw at us – be warned world, we’re ready for you!
Posted by: Lisa Holt, Founder