It was the best of times. It was the worst of times ….

Published in 1859, Charles Dickens wrote the first line to A Tale of Two Cities more than 150 years ago, but it’s so pertinent to 2020.  Let’s face it, this has probably been one of the most universally challenging years in most of our memories, but it’s not all been bad, right?!!

Lots of us have had a chance to connect/reconnect with our families; reduced commuting time, better work: life balance, has meant that families have had an opportunity to grow together.

There’s greater emphasis on appreciating what we have; the NHS, key workers, nature, a roof over our heads, food on the table (even if it was our attempts at sour dough or banana bread!) or our general health & wellbeing.

We’ve demonstrated that we are resilient.  We can change, we can be flexible, agile and adaptable.   We’ve nudged out of our old groove and we’re dancing to a new tune.

Looking forwards, I really hope that we’ll remember this time and truly appreciate all of the amazing experiences we can have once the world opens up to us again.  Who hasn’t missed live music, theatre, travel, comedy?  It’s nice to have time at home but I for one, can’t wait to get out and experience ‘real life’ !

In the meantime, wishing you all a low-key holiday and here’s to a happy, healthy 2021.

Posted by: Lisa

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