We’re just crossing the Ts and dotting the Is before signing off for the Christmas break – and a much-needed break it is too. What a year it has been – for Zing, for the team, for the industry, for everyone. It felt like 2020 was challenging, and then 2021 came along and said, ‘Hold my beer…’
Our clients have had a rough ride too, and we’ve been only too pleased to help out when we can, and we’ve been involved in some exciting projects with more on the horizon. So while everything feels so uncertain and difficult, we can be thankful for all the positives.
And thank goodness there are some.
It’s horrible seeing loved ones going through challenging times, festivities in isolation or missing important members of the family. And we are so aware that there are so many families that have gone through unspeakable things this year too. Instead of sending cards, we’ve decided to donate to Unicef this year, recognising that 2021 has left vulnerable children in devastating situations all over the world, for a plethora of reasons. While it’s only really a token gesture of course, we’re thinking about all the young people everywhere experiencing hardship, and wishing that 2021 is just a little bit kinder to us all.
Merry Christmas, and the very best wishes for 2022.
From Lisa and all at Zing Insights