Zing Insights are thrilled to announce that we’re proud sponsors of GoGo Gorillas! Norwich 2013 in support of Break Charity and Born Free Foundation.
GoGo Gorillas is a fantastic art project which will hit the streets of Norwich at the end of June 2013 – for those who remember Go Elephants in 2008 (yes, it really is that long ago!), a colourful, community of Gorillas will take residence on our streets, in our parks and open spaces for local residents, area visitors and tourists to find.
Our Gorilla has been designed by Gillian Kenny and represents NCFC in vibrant, ‘Zingy’, yellow and green.

Find our Gorilla when the trail launches in June, tweet us your pictures posing with our gorilla @ZingInsights for your chance to win some fab prizes – We’re looking forward to seeing some creative posts!
Posted by: Lisa Holt